It takes just .05 seconds for someone to form an opinion about your website. That’s it.

Things like out-dated & bloated design, slow load times, and confusing navigation have plagued insurance agency websites for years.

wordpress-insurance-themeFor many small business owners, a website is their only lifeline to credibility. This is never more true in the case of independent insurance agents and financial advisors whose competitors include billion dollar brands with bottomless marketing budgets and brand recognition.

Competing with those brands online requires that you yourself have a modern, professional insurance website built with conversion in mind. This is the first step in building your online brand and attracting new prospects to your firm or agency.

Remember, unlike your physical office which may only be open 40-70 hours per week, a website promotes you and your brand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.

Your website is your biggest fan and best employee.

With the power of Google, and the sheer volume of search queries each day on the internet, your website is 100,000x more visible than your physical office. Think about that for a second. It’s time that you take advantage of that traffic!

The Problem With The “Other Guys” (and the Agency Owner design trap)

When I became an independent agent 10+ years ago, the first thing I wanted to do was get a website. I had an extensive background in design and web development, but at the time, I wanted a solid solution that I could get up and running fast so I could begin marketing my services, and sharing my knowledge with the world.

After looking around, I realized that most, if not all of the website companies who catered to insurance agents were offering the same, cookie cutter, boiler plate templates, with cheesy stock imagery, bad calls-to-action, and a million and one things cluttering up the main purpose of the site.

Fast forward 10 years, and I’m surprised to say, that this dated, ineffective design is still wide spread throughout the insurance industry. There are insurance website vendors out there charging tens of thousands of dollars (some hundreds of thousands) for solutions that are out dated, ineffective, and just plain ugly.

The Agency Owner Design Trap

The worst part is, most agents and agency/firm owners don’t realize this. Why? Because (no offense to them) they aren’t designers and don’t understand much of the technical lingo that is being sold to them. They don’t have a trained eye for web design, and don’t understand how human behavior, psychology, and an .05 second attention span plays into the success of a website.

So just like your mechanic isn’t qualified to advise someone on matters of insurance or financial planning, most insurance agency owners aren’t qualified to make design decisions, and thus, they often end up with with a website that they think looks good or some under performing cookie cutter site that they paid an arm and a leg for, which is essentially no more than an out dated, digital business card.

The problem is, insurance agents already have business cards. The point of having a website is to get discovered by prospects who don’t already know who you are.

Their sites lay around the internet collecting dust for years, and it leads these agents to believe that there is little to no value in having a website, because well, they’re getting no ROI.

There’s no ROI because they’re using the same dated marketing strategies over and over again, and to compound the problem, they’re using the wrong tool for the job — an out-dated website.

In reality, having a website (that’s mobile responsive) is an absolute must in the insurance and financial industries, in particular if you are a smaller independent agent or advisor. If you don’t have one, or the one you do have looks like it was built in 2005, you are dealing your agency’s credibility a huge blow.

There’s a method to our design

Your business needs both credibility and trust to survive, especially in the internet age, and our platform will help you acquire both by building your online brand.

There’s a certain science to our product.

We build sleek, modern, easy to navigate websites, with calls-to-action placed where visitors like to click. We’ve done our homework, and now it’s time you reap the benefits.

Here is a quick list of some of the main benefits of our agency websites:

  • Mobile responsive design (looks perfect on any browser size)
  • Fast, lightweight code base
  • Designed based on science, phycology, and statistics
  • SEO & Conversion optimized
  • Affordable for even one-man agencies

Insurance Agency Websites for WordPress

Instead of re-inventing the wheel with our own proprietary CMS and holding peoples’ content and data hostage, we chose to build our insurance agency websites on top of WordPress, the best open-source content management system available.

At the time of this writing, WordPress powers over 25% of all websites on the internet. That is a staggering number, and speaks to the quality and stability of the platform.

With Wordpress, you own your own content, and can easily manage the content, and appearance of your website with an easy-to-use admin panel. We’ll show you everything you need to know with both live training and self-paced video tutorials!

Are you ready to build your book, brand, and business?

Here’s where you can learn more about our packages and sign up for your new insurance website.