Do you want to use (or are you already using) insurance landing pages to generate leads with your agency website?
I talk a lot about SEO, and PPC, and lead generation in general here on the blog as well as in real life conversations with independent agencies. One of the things I hear a lot from agencies is something a long the lines of,
We want to make sure our retention is strong. It’s a competitive market so we’re doing what we can to solidify that.
Hearing that makes me happy! Retention is something you have to focus on daily.
However…. you can’t retain customers until you acquire them first.
When I talk to agents about digital customer acquisition, one of their biggest concerns when signing up with us is the “SEO power” of their website with us.
While our sites excel big time at SEO for insurance agencies, it’s important to understand that SEO is a passive traffic generation source.
By passive, I mean you are literally sitting back, waiting for someone to search for you or what you sell — and you have no control over how many people do that and when.
Even when you do everything right, there are a lot of variables that are outside of your control when it comes to SEO.
Don’t get me wrong, SEO is very important, but SEO is not the only way to generate traffic and leads with your website.
In fact, in some situations, depending on the location of the agency, who their competition is online, and what the search volume is, I tell agencies all the time to put more energy into running paid ad campaigns (vs SEO). This is especially true if your domain is brand new and has no authority or trust from Google yet.
Companies that understand marketing understand that you can’t sit back and wait for people to find you. You have to take your message to the consumers’ front door. Bottom line, you have to be willing to interrupt people if you’re selling something, and the reality is, if you sell something you are in a direct response environment.
This means you need traffic + conversions to make money online. Without those two things, you won’t generate many leads online, whether it be from SEO or PPC. I have folks who ask us to review their analytics with them, but they haven’t produced any content, aren’t running any ads, literally aren’t doing anything with their sites.
They are relying solely on passive, organic traffic for leads, and that is a losing battle most of the time, especially in a competitive industry like insurance. Therefore, there is normally nothing to analyze.
Like anything else there’s a lot that goes into the traffic + conversions equation, and there’s a right and wrong way to do all of it. Today we’re going to show you how to create a landing page the right way.
If you’re already an Advisor Evolved customer, you now have the ability to use our awesome landing page tool on your website right now to convert more of your traffic into paying customers!
For now, we’re going to cover some of the basics and show you how easy our tool is to use.
What is a landing page?
I know this might sound like a basic question, but surprisingly, there is a lot of confusion and misconception as to what a landing page actually is, and what its purpose is.
A lot of people think any old page on their website is a landing page. That’s not the case though.
There are regular pages, and then there are landing pages.
The purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads with a very clear, concise call to action. Landing pages are different because they are designed with a much simpler layout, usually excluding elements like the website sidebar, footer, and header/menu.
You typically don’t want those elements on the page because when you are paying for traffic to your site, you don’t want the visitor clicking anywhere else, except on your main call-to-action or offer.

There is also much less content on a landing page, meaning you don’t want to only have landing pages as the main pages on your site, because you won’t be serving enough content up to Google for your site to rank organically. Google needs content to rank your site.
Important landing page elements
When you’re driving paid traffic to your site, understand, you have a very short window to capture the visitors attention and “sell” them on your offer.
There are a few things you’ll want to make sure you do right on your landing page, before launching your ad campaign:
- Headline + Copy
- Social Proof
- Lead Form
- Images
- Colors
- Page Speed
Headline + Body Copy
First — your landing page headline and body copy on the landing page should be closely related to the headline and copy you used in your actual ad.
This is because both Facebook and Google “scan” the page being used in your ad (your landing page) and the content on that page, in conjunction with other variables, goes into what’s called a relevance or quality score.
For that reason, it’s best practice to have similar content on the landing page that you have in your ad. You don’t want your ad copy + creative being different than your landing page or visa versa.
In fact, they should also visually be similar if possible. If you use an image of a young family in your ad, you should also use that image on the landing page (if it makes sense).
Social Proof (Testimonials)
Ideally you should have some form of social proof on your landing page like testimonials from other happy customers. It’s important that the visitor sees that other people have had a good experience with your company. This builds credibility and trust for your agency, and it extremely important for converting traffic into paying customers.
Testimonials drive literally millions of dollars in sales on websites like Amazon and other e-commerce sites each and every day. Make sure you have at least 2 testimonials from real customers using their image and full name.
No one believes your review from “Thomas R.” is a real person. Get permission to use their photo and name or don’t do it at all because it will look bogus.
Lead Forms
Rule number one with your lead form — DO NOT ASK FOR TOO MUCH INFO on your form.
I see people making this mistake all the time. Don’t ask the visitor to do their own quote from your landing page. Get their name, email, phone number, and ask when they need the quote by. That’s all you need.
I’m about as serious as David Hasselhoff with that cheesy goatee when I say, don’t ask for too much stuff on your forms folks. It will hurt your conversions big time!
The more information you ask for, the lower probability of them filling out the form. This is not the time to ask for VINs, SSN, DOB, or anything else. Get the minimum required information and follow up with them immediately.
The lead form submit button should also stand out from the rest of the page, and have some persuasive text on it like “Yes! I’d like to save money on my insurance!”.
Images & Colors
Try to use images that are relatable to your ad and not cheesy. Also, make sure you have an overlay on the image that darkens the image so your call to action stands out. If your image is too bright it will wash out the text and call to action.
What’s more, you shouldn’t use images that are too big. More on that in a second.
Use colors that are lighter/brighter. Oranges, blues, greens. Green and yellow buttons tend to be better for the main call to action.
Page Speed
Page speed is a big deal for user experience as well as conversions. If your landing page loads slowly, you’re going to lose lead opportunities. By slowly, I mean any longer than about 3 seconds.
If your website is hosted on some budget GoDaddy plan, chances are, it’s not optimized and loading as fast as it should be because your site is likely sharing resources with thousands of other websites.
Make sure you’re not using massive images, flash animations, video files, or any other resource hungry element on your landing page. Anything that slows down the loading speed of the site is working against you.
Pro tip: use an image optimization tool to reduce the size and file size of any and all images you use on your landing page. Kraken is a free and useful tool for this.
If you’re on a Mac, one of my favorite apps that I use daily is called ImageOptim.
Sound overwhelming? It’s not if you’re with Advisor Evolved
We now have a landing page builder that lets you create beautiful, highly engaging, professionally designed landing pages in a matter of seconds.
You don’t need to know code. You don’t need to know design. All you need to know how to do it point and click.
Check this out as I create 3 landing pages in about 40 seconds:

That’s how fast and simple it is to create a landing page with Advisor Evolved.
If you’re an Advisor Evolved customer, this feature is now live on your site at no additional charge! Many of our clients are already creating awesome landing pages for their insurance agency’s website already!
This is just one of the many reasons why we are so confident that we are the best insurance website provider out there for the money!
But don’t just take our word for it 🙂
If you’re an insurance agency and you want to step your digital game up in a BIG way, check us out. We have an awesome product backed by phenomenal customer support, and we are continuously innovating and investing time and money back into our platform!
Have a question? Hit us up on live chat or drop a comment on our Facebook post!