If you’ve been following the various insurance news outlets and blogs lately, you know that a big emphasis is being put on the branding of your insurance agency.
If you want to run your agency successfully long term, there are certain things you need to consider as it relates to your brand and the type of clientele you wish to attract. What’s more, branding your agency for generation Y — the millennial generation, can help you attract the right type of employee and producers as well.
I was lucky enough to have Erin Nutting, President of Integrity Insurance Services in Tucson, Arizona on the podcast the other day to discuss the important of branding your agency for millennials, and a few tips that will help you navigate your way through the process.
I wanted to have Erin on the show because she has a tremendous sense of how branding can impact your business and your bottom line. More importantly, she’s actually put some of these strategies to work in her own agency which have helped her become one of the fastest growing agencies in Arizona.
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